COM To Host a Second Manuscript Writing Retreat
12 April, 2021 by HEC Media in

Are you:
- Ready to transform your research into a manuscript suitable for a peer-reviewed publication?
- Find out what editors want and gain confidence in your writing
- New to scientific publishing in that you have never published an article before?
This face to face retreat workshop will allow you to be introduced to and review the process of creating scientific papers that are logically organized, concisely written, and attentive to reader and reviewer expectations.
You will prepare and present the main sections of a research paper in the IMRAD (introduction, methods, results, and discussion) format, and receive constructive critiques and written comments. By the end of the sessions, you will have a more polished draft that can stand up to rigorous peer review.
Who should Apply?
Any health researcher who has conducted and completed a health-related research project and thesis/dissertation for postgraduate studies in Malawi, and want their work published in a peer reviewed journal. Only fifteen (15) spaces are available. Successful applicants will be fully sponsored.
The College of Medicine, the Malawi Medical Journal ( and Blantyre Institute for Community Outreach (BICO).
- Khumbo Kalua- Director, Blantyre Institute for Community Outreach (BICO)
- Adamson Muula- Head, Department of Public Health, College of Medicine
- Isaac Singini-Statistician
- Fanuel Lampiao- Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research-College of Medicine
- Genesis Chorwe- Dean of Research at the Kamuzu College of Nursing
If Interested
Please send us a one page application letter and abstract of your thesis/dissertation BEFORE 18th April 2021 to: [email protected]
Copy: [email protected]