Daeyang University Invites Applications for 2021/2022 Admissions
01 February, 2021 by HEC Media in

Daeyang University is now receiving applications from interested candidates to enroll for the Bachelor of Nursing and Midwifery Programme (BScNM) and Bachelor of Science in Information and Communication Technology (BScICT).
Application Procedure
Applications should be sent by post, courier or delivered by hand at Daeyang University. Applications sent by e-mail or by fax will NOT be accepted. Applicants must include the following information in their applications:
- Name, date of birth and sex;
- Contact telephone numbers and for the parents/guardians/sponsor(s);
- E-mail address(es);
- Disclose any form of disability;
- Religious affiliation and statement about motivation or willingness to abide by the Christian values of the University;
- Name of previous school;
- Year when the Malawi School Certificate of Education examinations or examinations for the equivalent certificate was obtained;
- Examination number;
- List of subjects written and the grades obtained in each subject;
- Proof of ability to pay fees by attaching a letter from a parent/guardian/sponsor confirming sponsorship; Interpretation of IGCSE Grades:
- Attach a certified copy of the academic qualification or notification of results or letter of results signed by the head teacher, bearing a school date stamp.
- Applicants must indicate clearly the programme and intake they are applying for in case of ICT. Alternatively, applicants may fill in an application form which can be obtained from the University Campus or downloaded from the website www.dyuni.ac.mw. The application form can also be requested via the following e-mail: [email protected].
A complete application package with the above information should be sent or delivered with evidence that you have deposited a non-refundable admission application fee of K15,000.00 Applications submitted without attaching a bank deposit slip for the admission application fee will be disqualified.
Applicants for all programmes will be required to undergo oral interviews. For BSc Nursing and Midwifery programme, candidates will also be given a written exercise. The date for the interviews will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates at a later stage. Candidates will meet their own costs for transport, meals and accommodation.
Candidates shall also be required to bring writing materials.
Payment of Admission Application Fee
The application fee should be paid by depositing the amount of K15,000.00 into the following bank account:
Name of the Bank : NBS Bank
Account Name : Daeyang University
Account Number : 14369667
Branch : Capital City Branch
Swift code (for international transfers): NBSTMWMW
All applications should be sent by post, courier or delivered by hand to the following address:
2020/2021 Admissions
University Registrar
Daeyang University
TEL: 0994000389 : 0997435073 : 0997435071 : 0882219487 (WhatsApp) (for enquiries, during working hours only).
The applications should reach the University by 26TH February, 2021.
Download the full advert 2021_2022-Nursing-and-ICT-Intake-Admissions-Daeyang.pdf