MZUNI and MALA to Host International Conference on Access To Information
27 July, 2021 by HEC Media in

Mzuzu University’s Department of Information Sciences and Malawi Library Association wish to invite the general public to participate in the First National Research Dissemination Conference on Library and Information Science. The conference theme is “The Role of Libraries and Information Centres in the Implementation of Access to Information Act”.
Librarians, archivists, and records managers are key players in facilitating access to information. The operationalisation of the Access to Information Act provides an opportunity for these professionals to contribute to the Act’s successful implementation through proper organisation, storage, provision, and preservation of information (in both print and electronic format) for easy access and use by the end users such as the media, security agencies, and legal entities. Furthermore, the Act has created a new research area for information professionals. It is against this background that this First National Research Dissemination Conference on Library and Information Science is being organised to provide a platform for academics, students, researchers, knowledge managers, library and information professionals, and other stakeholders including legal experts, and information and communication related professionals to discuss, share knowledge and insights, and showcase research outputs on how to effectively and successfully attain access to information as provided for in the Access to Information Act.
Conference Sub-themes
Researchers from Malawi and beyond are invited to submit papers in the form of original full research papers, research-in progress papers, or posters that have not previously been presented elsewhere and make original contributions to the theme of the conference. Topics of interest include, but not limited to, the following broad areas:
- Request and requirements for access to information
- Organising, managing and provision of information
- Training of Information Specialists.
- Methods and techniques in accessing information.
- Limitations on the right to access to information.
- The role of ICTs in achieving access to information.
- Stakeholders in the implementation of Access to Information Act
- Inter-library loan and lending services to access information in Malawi
- Record keeping and maintenance of records.
- Ethical use of information
Submission guidelines of abstracts
- An abstract with a maximum of 300 words in length must consist of:
- Purpose
- Methodology/approach o Findings o Conclusion and recommendations o Originality/value of contribution
- Keywords of between 4 and 5
- Paper type (e.g., research paper, literature review, case study, conceptual paper, etc.).
- The title page should include the title of your paper, followed by name(s), qualification, title, affiliation(s), and the e-mail of the author(s).
- The deadline for receiving abstracts is 20th August 2021.
- The deadline for submitting full papers is 24th September 2021.
- Full papers should NOT be more than 5,000 words in length (single spaced, size 12, Times Roman font, Harvard Referencing Style).
- Accepted papers will be published on the conference website and in peer-reviewed conference proceedings before the conference begins.
- Best papers shall be peer reviewed and published as Conference Proceedings.
- Best papers may be considered for publication in the Malawi Journal of Library and Information Science (MJLIS).
In paper type submission, are the following as listed. If you do not see an exact match, please select the closest match:
- Article
- Review
- Brief Review
The alternatives explanations for the above are as follows:
Research paper: Reports on any type of research conducted by the author(s), including reports on any type of research conducted by the author(s); empirical, scientific, or clinical studies; and papers with a practical emphasis.
Viewpoint: Covers any paper whose content is based on the author’s interpretation and opinion. This includes articles written in the style of a newspaper or a magazine.
Technical report: Describes and assesses technical products, processes, and services.
Conceptual paper: Usually discursive and focuses on developing hypotheses. It covers philosophical debates as well as comparative studies of the work and thinking of other authors.
Case study: Describes actual interventions or experiences that have occurred within organisations. It can be subjective, and it does not always report on research. A description of a legal case or a hypothetical case study used as a teaching exercise is also included.
Review of the literature: This category should be used only if the primary goal of the paper is to annotate and/or critique the literature in a specific field. It could be a selective bibliography advising on information sources, or the paper could aim to cover the main contributors to the development of a topic and explore their various points of view.
General overview: Gives a high-level overview or historical examination of a concept, technique, or phenomenon. Papers will most likely be descriptive or instructional rather than discursive.
Abstracts should be sent to the Chairperson, Publications Sub-Committee, Mr. Geoffrey Salanje on email address: [email protected] and copied to Conference Chairperson, Dr. Sellina Kapondera on email address: [email protected].
Conference Fees and Registration
The conference fee is K100,000 (One hundred-thousand-kwacha) per participant and K50,000 (Fifty thousand kwacha) for students (Proof of studentship required).
- Late registration fee is K110,000 (One hundred and ten thousand Kwacha) per participant and K55, 000 (Fifty-five thousand kwacha) for students.
- International delegates registration fee is US$150 and late registration fee US$180.
- The fees will cover conference materials, teas, luncheons, and excursions.
Cash payments can be made at registration desk office. However, bank payments can be made to the following bank account:
Account Name: Malawi Library Association
Bank : National Bank of Malawi
Account No. : 1092413
Branch : Zomba Branch
Swift Code : NBMAMWMW006
The conference will be held at Sunbird Nkopola. Lodge. Sunbird Nkopola Lodge is the premier beachside resort in the south of the lake, 24 km north of Mangochi. Set amidst tropical vegetation, Baobab trees in its own beachlined bay, the hotel has some of the most spectacular sunrises and views in Africa. Email: [email protected], Tel: +265 (0) 1 580 444 or website–nkopola.
Travel and Visa Requirements
It is expected that participants should make their ooen travel arrangements. However, SADC residents do not require entry VISA to travel to Malawi. For those requiring visas, it is advisable to apply in good time to the Malawian Embassy in your respective countries. The Conference Organising Committee will facilitate letters to confirm the hosting of the conference.
The costs for travel, accommodation and incidentals are the responsibility of the participants. Participants are expected to make their own accommodation arrangements. More information pertaining to alternative accommodation is available on:
For more details about the Conference, visit the official announcement page.