Call for Applications: The Malawi Award for Scientific and Technological Achievement (MASTA)
07 April, 2021 by HEC Media in

The MASTA is a prestigious national award honouring achievement and excellence in scientific and technological research. It is conferred upon any individuals, groups or institutions that make an innovation, invention or discovery within Malawi.The award comprises an appropriate symbol (a shield or medal), a certificate of citation and such sum of money as the NCST Board may determine from time to time. The MASTA looks to nurture initiative and creativity in the promotion of scientific and technological achievements in Malawi, foster the utilization of such achievements in Malawi and catalyse and propel the development of scientific and technological capability and capacity in Malawi.
Aims and Objectives of the MASTA
- To nurture initiative and creativity in the promotion of scientific and technological achievements in Malawi;
- To foster the utilization of such achievements in Malawi; and
- To catalyse and propel the development of scientific and technological capability and capacity in Malawi.
Category of Achievement
The Awards Committee shall consider the following categories of achievement-:
- Innovation or adaptation of known technology or processes for use in Malawi;
- Design of prototype of industrial plants, machinery or equipment for manufacture or use in the country; and
- Any other achievements in R&D that have some socio-economic significance
Application Procedures
All applications for the award shall be submitted in triplicate to the Commission. Applications shall be accompanied with referees’ reports and recommendations. For the purpose of evaluating a claim, the Awards Committee may commission experts in the scientific field in which the claim is made to assess the claim and to report its findings and recommendations back to the Committee.
Nature of the Awards
There are two sets of Technology Awards in order to recognize and encourage:
- Technology development and multidisciplinary team effort of local scientists, and
- Technological output of local institutes.
The MASTA Award may be given as follows:-
Science and Technology Prizes - Prizes in natural, physical and social sciences shall be awarded in recognition of individual or group achievement. Each prize will consist of a citation and prize money; and
Technology Prizes and Shields - Two shields, one each for processing and engineering technology, and prize money shall be awarded to a local S&T laboratory in recognition of excellence of its specific technological achievements in the relevant areas. Each Award shall consist of a shield to be held in rotation for one year by the laboratory winning it and a plaque to be retained by it.
The Award is for research contributions made in Malawi primarily during the five years preceding the year of the prize. Nominations shall be routed through Heads of local S&T institutions, institutions of affiliation or professional bodies. Nomination forms for individual/group and institutional applications can be accessed through NCST’s website:
Any scientist, engineer or technologist who has been awarded a prize may in subsequent years send nomination of one person in his/her discipline only for each year’s award. A candidate once nominated is considered for a period of five years, if otherwise eligible. In case a nominee has resigned from the present position in Malawi and has gone abroad, his/her nomination would not remain valid for further consideration. An individual nominating himself/herself for an award shall not be considered. The nominations duly signed by the sponsor should be sent to the Director General, National Commission for Science and Technology.
The full MASTA procedures and guidelines can be downloaded below:
or fill the Online Nomination Form