MUST Announces Short Courses in Business and Entrepreneurship
02 June, 2020 by HEC Media in

An exciting opportunity has once again arisen at the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) in Ndata, Thyolo for suitably qualified candidates to enroll and study with this prestigious institution of higher learning through Open, Distance and E-Learning (ODeL). With support from the USAID funded Strengthening Higher Education Access in Malawi Activity (SHEAMA), led by Arizona State University (ASU), MUST is inviting applications from suitably qualified persons to pursue a short course in Business Management and Entrepreneurship through ODeL.
The Target Group: This programme targets individuals aspiring to become successful entrepreneurs, business owners, trainers in entrepreneurship and business development, and Community Development Officers. Women and youths in small and medium scale business; and those who studied at a Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) or open schools are encouraged to apply.
Indicative Content includes: introduction to business and entrepreneurship, business environment analysis, marketing plan development, human resource planning and organization, financial planning and writing a winning business plan. Requirements: To enrol for this short course, interested candidates should possess at least an MSCE but those with at least five years’ business or entrepreneurship experience, can enrol with a Junior Certificate (JC).
Those from SHEAMA target rural districts of Karonga, Kasungu, Salima, Balaka, Mulanje and Chikwawa, especially adolescent girls, young women and persons with disabilities, are particularly encouraged to apply. SHEAMA scholarships will be made available to a few candidates that will meet the program set criteria. For more information, please contact the Director of Scholarships and Grants at SHEAMA on 0888787378.
Course Duration: The programme will run for three months, from 20th July, 2020.
Fees: Candidates will pay K180,000.00. An initial part payment is required before registration with the remainder to be paid a month after commencement of classes. Mode of Application: Interested candidates should send their applications by enclosing their curriculum vitae and indicating their qualifications or relevant business experience to the following address, on and before 3rd July, 2020:
The Director of Research, Postgraduate Studies and Outreach
Malawi University of Science and Technology
P.O. Box 5196,
Or you can submit your application by hand to the following: District Education Manager’s Office (DEM), National Initiative for Civic Education offices or at the following Community Day Secondary Schools (CDSS): Mfera in Chikwawa, Msalura in Salima, Chankhanga in Kasungu, Ulongwe in Balaka, Nansomba in Mulanje, and Nyungwe in Karonga.
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