Call for Abstracts Language Studies in Africa: Status, Challenges and Prospects
15 April, 2020 by HEC Media in

The Faculty of Humanities at Chancellor College in conjunction with The Linguistics Association of SADC Universities has organised an international conference from the 14th -15th September 2017 to take place in the Great Hall.
The conference, whose theme is “Language Studies in Africa: Status, Challenges and Prospects”, intends to discuss several aspects of the interplay between language and emerging cultures in contemporary Africa. The conference also pursues LASU’s main objective which is to encourage academic research and collaboration amongst SADC universities in the field of linguistics as a way of contributing towards sustainable development both at national and regional levels.
Abstracts of not more than 300 words should be submitted by 21th April 2017 to [email protected]. Abstracts should clearly state the research problem, objectives, methodology and conclusions. Notification of acceptance of abstracts will be sent on the 28th of April, 2017.
Those who intend to use PowerPoint or want to make a poster presentation should send their presentations by 8th September, 2017 in order to facilitate preparations.
Registration Fees
Local participants
Students: K2000
Other local delegates: K15000
International Delegates
Students: $100
Other local delegates: $200
More details available on the conference official website