Call for Abstracts - Second International Conference on Higher Education
13 April, 2020 by HEC Media in
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) in conjunction with the Association of Universities and Colleges of Malawi (UCAM), National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) and National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST) is pleased to announce a call for abstracts for oral and poster presentations to be presented at an international conference on higher education to be held at Sunbird Nkopola Lodge from 17 th to 18th June 2020. This is the second conference following the previous one of 2018 organised by the organising committee composed of representatives from each of the four public universities in Malawi, representatives from the Association of Private Universities in Malawi (APUMA), Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST), and friends of higher education.
The aim of the conference is to bring together academics, higher education managers, policy makers and other stakeholders to discuss opportunities and challenges facing higher education in Malawi and the World in the 21st Century. The conference will provide a platform to share experiences and learn from one another best practices to address the challenges for the improvement of higher education.
Conference Theme
The conference, whose theme is “Higher education in the 21st century”, is open to all those interested in issues related to opportunities and challenges facing higher education in Malawi and the international community, within the context of prevailing global trends.
Download the call here for participation details.